Infrastructure Security👽

3. What is a Security Infrastructure?
Infrastructure security can include permanent assets such as real estate, but it is most commonly used to refer to technology assets, including computers, networking systems and cloud resources — both hardware and software.
The concept of infrastructure security includes not only protection from a traditional cyberattack, but also protection from natural disasters and other calamities. It also concerns the topic of resilience, which considers how an enterprise recovers from an attack or other disruption. The ultimate goal is to boost security measures and minimize the amount of downtime and associated customer attrition, loss of brand and reputation, and compliance costs that businesses face.
• Why is infrastructure security important?
 Infrastructure security, which includes critical infrastructure security, is critical both for preventing damage to technology assets and data due to attack or disaster. It’s also necessary for minimizing the amount of damage in the event of a successful attack or if a disaster occurs. Similarly, the primary goal of infrastructure security is to lower the overall risk level that the organization faces, which in turn minimizes the chance of a significant operational disruption and/or financial impact to the business.
 • Levels of infrastructure security?
  1. Physical Level: Infrastructure needs physical protection in the form of locked doors, fences, backup generators, security cameras and the like. Failover plans that locate backup equipment in another part of the world are also a part of a physical security strategy.
2. Network Level: At its core, network security protects data as it travels into, out of and across the network. This includes traffic encryption, whether it is on-premises or in the cloud, proper firewall management and the use of authentication and authorization systems.
3. Application Level: Security also needs to be considered at the application level. This includes protection of databases against attacks such as SQL injections as well as the hardening of other applications against unauthorized use or malicious exploits.
4. Data Level: At the lowest level of infrastructure security, data protection must be considered, no matter where or how it is stored. This includes data encryption, backups and anonymization tactics where they are appropriate.
• Types of infrastructure security solutions?
  . To protect your infrastructure data, consider implementing these types of tools and security controls to protect the business’s infrastructure, including.
1. Firewall: This is the first line of defense against all manner of threats, preventing malicious traffic from ever accessing your internal networks.
2. Antivirus or antimalware systems: Malware is introduced into the enterprise through a number of means. Antimalware systems scan email messages, web traffic and hardware devices to ensure that they are not infected.
3. Penetration testing and network vulnerability analysis tools: These types of tools are set to run periodically — or continuously — constantly scanning the network for potential security problems.
4. Intrusion detection system: An intrusion detection tool monitors the network in real time, watching for behavior that is out of the ordinary or that indicates an attacker has breached the infrastructure.
5. Authentication software: Authentication software monitors the behavior of users with network access. AI detects unusual activity that may imply a user’s credentials have been compromised.
6. Password auditing tools: Passwords should be regularly audited to ensure that users are not relying on insecure or hackable login credentials.
7. Encryption tools: Encrypted data has limited to no value to attackers, providing an extra layer of protection to your organization in the event of an attack.
8. SIEM tools: Security information and event management (SIEM) tools automate much of the grunt work of monitoring infrastructure security and provide a real-time analysis of the security alerts generated by various applications in the enterprise.


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