
Showing posts from September, 2022

Information Security👽

• Information Security   Information security protects sensitive information from unauthorized activities, including inspection, modification, recording, and any disruption or destruction. The goal is to ensure the safety and privacy of critical data such as customer account details, financial data or intellectual property. The consequences of security incidents include theft of private information, data tampering, and data deletion. Attacks can disrupt work processes and damage a company’s reputation, and also have a tangible cost. Organizations must allocate funds for security and ensure that they are ready to detect, respond to, and proactively prevent, attacks such as  phishing ,  malware , viruses, malicious insiders, and  ransomware •  What are the 3 Principles of Information Security? The basic tenets of information security are confidentiality, integrity and availability. Every element of the information security program must be designed to implement one or more of

Infrastructure Security👽

3. What is a Security Infrastructure? Infrastructure security can include permanent assets such as real estate, but it is most commonly used to refer to technology assets, including computers, networking systems and cloud resources — both hardware and software. The concept of infrastructure security includes not only protection from a traditional cyberattack, but also protection from natural disasters and other calamities. It also concerns the topic of resilience, which considers how an enterprise recovers from an attack or other disruption. The ultimate goal is to boost security measures and minimize the amount of downtime and associated customer attrition, loss of brand and reputation, and compliance costs that businesses face. • Why is infrastructure security important?   Infrastructure security, which includes critical infrastructure security, is critical both for preventing damage to technology assets and data due to attack or disaster. It’s also necessary for minimizi

Security Architecture and Policy && Cryptography..

1. Security Architecture and policy   :-  A security architecture policy is a           formal statement of the rules that govern an organization’s security architecture and the roles that have access and responsibility in maintaining its information and technology. These policies aren’t one-size-fits-all and are most effective when they’re custom-tailored for each organization. Security architecture policy comes from assessing the entire environment to determine applicable risks and vulnerabilities as well as what countermeasures should be taken in order to mitigate and contain these risks. Endorsing and enforcing security architecture policy is essential, starting at the top of the organization and moving down through every person who interacts with the environment. This includes non-employees, as well as those who work for the organization. In order to help everyone adhere to the policies that have been put forth, the security architecture team will develop a set of secu